Becoming a dentist can result in an abundance of professional possibilities. Besides private practice options, dental school graduates can teach future dentists, travel with international health and relief organizations, work in hospital emergency rooms, or conduct advanced laboratory research.
There are over 65 dental schools in the United States accredited by the ADA’s Commission on Dental Accreditation. Each program is meticulously assessed to ensure compliance with quality and content standards. Typically, DMD and DDS programs take four years to complete. Additional years are necessary for dental specialties such as Pediatric Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial surgery.
Admission to dental school is highly competitive, but the application process is straightforward. In fact, many U.S. dental schools utilize the American Association of Dental Schools Application Service enabling you to submit one online application and send it to a variety of schools.
Fear of the dentist is very real for many people. In fact, there are very few people that don’t have some fear of going to the dentist. However, we all know we need to go, but how to get over that fear? Let’s take a look.
Admit that you have a fear.
Talking about our fears with our loved ones helps. Many times people want to simply avoid the dentist all together than to face their fears. However, we all know that is not good oral hygiene practice. Instead, you need to face your fears and talk about it. Don’t simply avoid the dentist, talk about it, and come up with some things that might help. You can even have a discussion with your dentist Boronia. Dentists deal with this all the time. They will have some ideas for you. Also, they may let you take breaks if you need to. This is a sign of a good dentist that understands and cares about their patients.
Maybe bringing someone with you that isn’t afraid of the dentist is a good plan as well. Having someone there to keep you calm and drive you home can really help. Perhaps make plans for after the dentist. Many times we cannot eat or drink right after seeing a dentist, but perhaps stop at a flower shop or go for a walk, something you like to do too. This will give you something to look forward to and a bit of a treat for getting through your appointment.
Perhaps it is the idea of all those poking instruments going into your mouth. The tray of unknown tools laying there looking as if they want to tear your mouth apart brings on the anxiety. Talk to your dentist’s office and they might be up for letting you have a bit of a meet and greet with the unfamiliar tools. This can really help with children for example. They have never seen all that stuff and can really get overwhelmed with it all. Also, if you have never been to a dentist, the tool fear can be very real.
Take some precautions for your upcoming anxiety
Dentists these days have all kinds of various techniques and ways that will allow you to be more comfortable. Simple things such as nose strips will allow you to breathe easier when they are working in your mouth, should you have issues. There are also medications that you can take before your appointment. Speak with your dentist and determine what is the best course of action for you.
Take the time to get to know your dentist for a minute. This can also help with fears. Ask questions and go in slowly to the whole idea. Maybe you can have a meet and greet with the dentist and get to know them a little bit more to feel a little more comfortable.
There are many relaxation techniques that you can use as well. Meditations, pray, and breathing techniques for example can calm you.
Fear is real, but with a little help, you can and will get through this.
The dental hygiene help improve your oral health. Our dentist Boronia is always there to guide their patients about oral hygiene. It is pretty simple to perform and isn’t expensive, so there isn’t really any real reason not to take dental hygiene seriously. The benefits of good oral hygiene are:
Lowers the risk of cancer
Better gum health
Reduces the chance of needing oral surgery or root canals
Fresher breath
Keeping your teeth, rather than needing dentures or crowns
Reduces the likelihood of having cavities and needing fillings
Reduction of tooth decay.
Lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Lower risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Healthier pregnancy and stronger fertility
Lowers the risks of heart disease and heart attack
Lower the risk of stroke
A healthier mouth will mean a better overall healthier body.
Recommendations for dental hygiene
The basic good hygiene is very easy to do. The American Dental Association recommendations are:
Seeing your dentist on a regular basis.
Drinking water between meals.
Flossing at least once a day.
Brushing your teeth twice a day with toothpaste that contains fluoride.
It is never too early to teach your children good oral hygiene. You are only given one set of teeth, which means they need to last your entire life. This means that they need to have cared for both outside as well as inside. Your oral health is not only dependent on you taking external care of them, but also to eat healthily and refrain from sugar or foods that turn to sugar upon digestion.
Unsightly teeth and gum disease not only give a person bad breath, but it also affects a person’s self-esteem. Your teeth and smile are the first things people notice when you meet them. Having an ugly and discussing smile can really take a toll on a person’s self-esteem.
Your brain will function better if it isn’t dealing with dental issues. In fact, studies have shown that people with better oral hygiene perform better on tests of cognitive skills and memory. Other tests show that people with gingivitis or oral infection also have a harder time recalling verbal communication and subtraction, which are skills most use every day.
Other effects of poor oral hygiene
Diabetics often find themselves fighting gum disease. It is not only important to your body but also your oral health to keep your sugar is important.
With good hygiene, you have more of a chance of carrying your baby to term. That’s right, poor hygiene affects pregnancy There has been research done that has linked good oral hygiene and pregnancy. As a part of prenatal care, it is recommended that you visit your dentist to ensure that your oral health is in tip top condition. This is also good practice to get in to help show the new little ones how to properly brush and care for their teeth. Kids learn by watching the adults in their home, be sure that you are taking the time to show them good oral hygiene habits.
Some kids like to brush their teeth like their parents, however, some want to fight it. For those kids, try getting them a fun flavor toothpaste or an electric toothbrush, something that will make them more interested. Good oral hygiene is something that every person needs to learn to develop and use throughout life.